
Cupcake baker pictures
Cupcake baker pictures

cupcake baker pictures

Sorry “OG cupcake”, there’s a new star in town. But while I still love them, these are my new fave. If you haven’t tried them, they are worth checking out. I still remember the batches upon batches of cupcakes I made while testing those and the fabulous friends that lined them up and tasted tested them all to help me find the best one. They are loved by many and were my favorite for some time. You may or may not have tried my original vanilla cupcakes.

cupcake baker pictures

Plus, I know not every has the same idea of the perfect cupcake, so I like to have options. If you don’t have a good vanilla, can anything else really be that good? There are so many ways to vary a vanilla cake and I want the best of all of them! I’m greedy like that. I’m a believer that if you don’t have a good vanilla cake, you have NOTHING! 🙂 Ok, dramatic, but it’s like the “tell”. It’s the never ending quest for all the best versions. Today, we are talking about these moist vanilla cupcakes and I’m pumped! One of the things that I’m always messing with is vanilla cake/cupcakes. That said, I do LOVE coconut and avocado and olive oils and cook with them often and am happy to sub these oils for butter when the need arises! (If you think about it, there is a LOT of oil in these plants and they require VERY LITTLE processing (just pressing) to extract copious amounts of oils which are much more stable.) I often go to the recipes on Minimalist Baker which I love, in order to avoid some allergens for guests that i cook for often.I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I’d be bringing you some new basic favorites and I started with my easy moist chocolate cake. A little common sense will tell us that there is not much oil in an ear or corn or soybean – so to extract them, they go through a very heavy processing only possible at industrial plants. Also, these fatty acids from vegetable oils are not very heat (or even shelf) stable and go rancid very quickly which is one of the reasons they are highly processed and deodorized before packaging. That is a matter of opinion! ) I now this is a plant-based site, but I will happily use grass-fed butter any day of the week! Especially anything over vegetable (corn, soy, cottonseed, canola, etc) oils which are primarily omega-6 linoleic fatty acid (PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid) which is a problem for several reasons: it disrupts the omega-3 to omega-6 equal ratio that we all should be aiming for and excess omega-6 actually produces compounds in the body that can unnecessarily signal hunger to the brain and also cause inflammation in the body. That’s interesting to know they launched a vegan friendly sugar line now. I don’t know how you feel about large brand names, but, this was interesting – when I was at my grocery store just a few days ago, I went to the sugar aisle for Wholesome Sweetners and apparently Domino (the huge refined sugar chain) has an organic sugar now? I used the Is It Vegan? product barcode scanner app on my phone and it said “Definitely Vegan”. I actually used that for these very cupcakes and it came out delicious! So check, you never know! You could also mail order it from Amazon or a site like Vitacost.Īlso, Sugar In the Raw has recently launched an organic sugar in a bag that is vegan and even says vegan on the back. They also have a powdered sugar! It should be available in most health food stores, but oddly enough even one of my local regional chain grocery stores here in Brooklyn, NY has been selling it in their sugar aisle. Hello, if you are in the United States, the brand Wholesome Sweetners Organic is vegan and what is recommended by most websites for baking.

Cupcake baker pictures